1 How to use our extension

Preview Ratings for Youtube

Welcome to Preview Ratings for Youtube

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  • Hover your mouse over the rating bar to reveal a tooltip of rating info.
  • Customize color and size for preview bar.

Many people use the likes feature to find videos that are popular, but there are other ways to find good content.

The first is to look at the comments section of a video. If it's popular, there will be lots of people talking about it and who have already watched it. You can also search for topics related to your interests and see what comes up. For example, if you want to see videos about cooking with apples, type in "apple" and click on the videos that show up under "People Also Watched."

Here are some tips on how to find videos with high likes on YouTube and Netflix:

  1. Search by keyword

To find videos with high likes on YouTube, try searching for them. This is a good way to find new content and explore the different ways that people use the platform. You can also search for specific keywords or phrases that will help you narrow down your search results. For example, if you're looking for funny videos, search for "funny" or "humor." If you want to see what's trending right now, try searching for "trending." It's also a good idea to try multiple terms at once so that you get more results. For example, if you want funny videos about cats, try searching for both "cat" and "funny."


  1. Install the Extension
  2. After installing the extension, click on the icon on the toolbar.

Preview Ratings for Youtube Videos.